BOOKS #02. English Edition of Misha Kucherenko’s Book Is Available World-Wide


BOOKS #02. English Edition of Misha Kucherenko’s Book Is Available World-Wide

While we're still working on the English Edition of Misha Kucherenko’s first book's global distribution (it turned out to be a much more complicated task than we originally anticipated), its industrially printed (in Russia) edition is available by a special request at

All the payment info (and delivery options) will be provided in response to it.

Usually, it takes about TWO TO THREE WEEKS for a parcel with the book to reach a destination anywhere in the world.

We must point out here that currently available print-on-demand options do not allow to have the same level of printed quality that this (off-set printed in Russia) edition of the book provides (let alone to add 48 photo color insert pages), so this is why we will continue our efforts to provide the English Edition of the book (industrially printed in Russia) some faster worldwide delivery options.
Additionally, we're currently working hard on removing all the cumbersome obstacles on obtaining the book via the main e-book and print-on-demand publishing platforms (such as Amazon, etc) and will provide its much more easy and convenient availability as soon as possible..

And here come the first reviews of it (please, see the header to this BLOG)...

05.12.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  905

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