

BLOG #109. An English Teaser For Our Moscow HiFi & High End Show-2022 Report
The video can be found here... Read more…

05.11.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1223

BLOG #108. “StereoPravda” Videocast’s Report On Our Various Activities During Moscow HiFi & High End Show-2022
Misha Kucherenko’s and Yaroslav Vorobyov’s videocast “StereoPravda” had our own room during Moscow HiFi & High End Show (October 13th to 16th in hotel “Borodino), where we set up a couple of demo systems based on Magnepan MG-20.1 and Alon “Circe” loudspeakers, Dan D’Agostino’s integrated amplifier and Jadis “845” SET-amplifier, dartZeel preamplifier, MSB and Matrx DACs, Kubala-Sosna cables, Torus Power AC-conditioner and VoxModule equipment stand.

The eleventh episode of our videocast (all in Russian) is devoted to the first part of our report, and the link to it can be found here:..
The twelfth episode of our videocast with the second part of this show's report will be “aired” on AVReport YouTube channel on November the 25th. Read more…

04.11.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1247

BLOG #107. On The Eve Of The Moscow HiFi & High End Show-2022
Moscow HiFi & High End Show-2022 will be taking place between October 13th-16th in hotel “Borodino”.

Our “StereoPravda” videocast will have our own room where my co-host Yaroslav Vorobyov of and me will be demoing a specially assembled system of my personal choice. We’ll also conduct some masterclasses on auditioning skills, equipment selection, etc. We will also conduct several raffles with (quite valuable) prizes (including our award-winning StereoPravda SPearphone “SB-7” ear monitors and some StereoPravda swag. Read more…

08.10.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1088

BLOG #106. Chris Sommovigo – Rest In Peace
Chris Sommovigo was much more to me than just a like-minded audiophile, a colleague or even the dearest brother-in-arms in this industry. He's been always a supporting mentor, who always put his money where his mouth was. Read more…

18.08.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1381

BLOG #105. Misha Kucherenko’s Book Is Finally Available Worldwide In Four Main Formats
Despite all the recent hurdles of various – and obvious - nature, my book “StereoPravda – Politicaaly Incorrect View On High End Audio” is finally available worldwide in four main formats:
- The best quality offset printed in in one of the best printing houses in Russia (with 48 color pages inserts) Hardcover
- Print-On-Demand Hardcover
- Print-On-Demand Paperback
- E-book
A (more or less) complete list of links to the vendors currently selling the book can be found here... Read more…

13.07.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1316

BLOG#104. Misha Kucherenko’s Book Was Delivered To The High End Show-2022 In Munich
Being unable to attend the High End Show in Munich this year I was delighted to know that some of my presence is still there anyway.

I can’t overestimate my gratitude to Guks Gints (of Latvian Pro1 – see his colorful personality next to Mark Cohen of Audeze on the attached picture) – the co-publisher of the English language edition of my book – for bringing and distributing dozens of its (printed in Russia) copies at the show.
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22.05.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1714

BLOG #103. Misha Kucherenko’s Book Is Released In POD Version
Misha Kucherenko’s book “StereoPravda – Politically Incorrect View On High End Audio” has been just released in hard cover Print-On-Demand option via multiple Internet shops all over the world.

E-Book version and POD paperback versions of the book are forthcoming. Read more…

23.03.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1703

BLOG #102. Just Published a Super Thorough Review of Our (most twisted) StereoPravda SPearphone SB-3.5RU
The most daring of all just published a super thorough review of our (most twisted) StereoPravda SPearphone SB-3.5RU.
To quote: “…The StereoPravda SB-3.5 RU like its brothers will never win a beauty contest or get an award for comfort but the SB-3.5 RU isn’t about that. Misha’s “No pain, no Gain” philosophy is what it is but if you can handle that you can be sure to get a very nice and unique high-end sounding IEM with a sound signature you’ve never heard before. A fine example of a technical masterpiece”.
Happy New Year!    All the best in 2022!
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05.01.2022 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  2162

BLOG #101. The English Edition of Misha Kucherenko’s First Book Has Become Available Now For International Delivery
While we're still working on the English edition of Misha Kucherenko's first book's global distribution (it turned out to be a much more complicated task than we originally anticipated), its industially printed (in Russia) edition has just become available via our brothers-in-arms KENNERTON AUDIO's website... Read more…

29.09.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  2490

BLOG #100. Misha Kucherenko's Book In English Is Just Released
I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the’s BLOG #100 than to announce the release of my book “StereoPravda – Politically Incorrect View On High End Audio”’s English Edition (by St. Petersburg's “Mashina Vremeny” publishing house – the book is going to be presented at the forthcoming Moscow Hi Fi & High End Show-2021 – May 21st-23rd, hotel Borodino).
The main content of all the hundred BLOGs here is integrated in the book in a fairly organized way (of course, it’s ALSO contains A LOT of additional original material).
The book availability's info will be  provided here shortly.
Also, another 1000 copies of the Russian version of the sold out book is just out of print, so it is AGAIN available.
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20.05.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  2711

BLOG #99. StereoPravda Will Unveil Its Newest Earphone Model At The Moscow Hi Fi & High End Show-2021
At the Moscow hi Fi & High End Show (May 21st-23rd, hotel Borodino) StereoPravda will unveil its newest model -StereoPravda SPearphone SB-3.5RU.

“RU” – within its various possible implications – actually stands in its name for “Ripped Up”. We “rip up” one of the BA-drivers, that is, we opened it as a tin can, so we can use its direct sound radiation (as opposed to the nominal bellows-type BA-drivers sound radiation) and also to position the driver’s sound radiation ON AXIS with the tympanic membrane’s sonic response... Read more…

20.05.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  994

BLOG #98. StereoPravda Will Exhibit Its Products At Moscow HiFi & High End Show-2021
StereoPravda will be an exhibitor at Moscow Hi Fi And High End Show – 2021 (May 21th-May23rd at the hotel “Borodino).
We will share a table with Kennerton Audio at the Hi-Fi Portable section of the show...
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19.05.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  846

BLOG #97. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #14
On Friday, April the 23rd, at 9 pm Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube channel broadcasted the next program by Misha Kucherenko called “StereoPravda”.

The live stream #14 was the last in the season, and it was devoted to drawing a preliminary assessment of the first series of programs and answering a few questions from the audience.

The link to the program's recording is here...
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23.04.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1012

BLOG #96. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #13
On Thursday, April the 1st, at 12 noon Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube channel broadcasted the next program by Misha Kucherenko called “StereoPravda”.

The program #13 featured Misha’s interview with Kim Ryrie, the founder of one of the most forward-thinking companies in the whole of High End Audio - DEQX.

It was in English, with a serial Russian translation of all the questions and answers.
The link to the program's recording is here:.. Read more…

31.03.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1025

BLOG #95. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #12
On Friday, March the 12th, at 9 pm Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube channel broadcasted the next program by Misha Kucherenko called “StereoPravda”.
The program #12 was devoted to a discussion of the High End Audio accessories’ history of innovations (the last thirty years of which unraveled directly in front of Misha’s own eyes).
It was in Russian.
The link to the program's recording is here...
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11.03.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  995

BLOG #94. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #11
On Friday, February the 5th, at 9 pm Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube broadcasted another program by Misha Kucherenko called “StereoPravda”.
The program #11 was devoted to a discussion of the connecting cables’ history of innovations (the last thirty years of which unraveled directly in front of Misha’s own eyes).
It was in Russian..

The link to the program's recording is here...
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05.02.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1116

BLOG #93. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #10
On Friday, January the 22nd, at 9 pm Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube channel broadcasted another program by Misha Kucherenko called “StereoPravda”.
This program #10 featured a live broadcast of Misha's interview with Stephen Ambrose of Asius Technologies whose innovations in hearing matters are numerous - from inventing the In-The-Ear Monitor concept per se in 1960-ies, through coming up with his own innovating IEMs and special modules (e.g. called ADEL) designed to be much less harmful to our hearing, and up to helping Brian Johnson of AC/DC to overcome his severe hearing loss that allowed his glorious come back to record the just released new album with the band.
It was in English (with serial - back and forth - translation to Russian).
The link to the recording of this program is here.
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21.01.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  960

BLOG #92. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #9
On Friday, January 15th, at 9 pm Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube channel broadcasted another program called “StereoPravda with Misha Kucherenko”.
This program #9 was devoted to a discussion of the history of High End Audio in the context of various music carriers developments and source components design evolution history (the last thirty years of which unraveled directly in front of Misha’s own eyes).
It is in Russian.

The link to the program is here.
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14.01.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  893

BLOG #91. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #8
On Friday, December the 25th, at 9 pm Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube channel broadcasted another program by Misha Kucherenko called “StereoPravda #8”.
The program was devoted to a review of the last thirty years of the history of High End Audio amplifier design (which unfolded in front of Misha’s own eyes).
It was in Russian.

The link to the program's recording is here.
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25.12.2020 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1074

BLOG #90. Congratulations to Stephen Ambrose!
Six degrees of separation is the idea that all people on average are six, or fewer, social connections away from each other. Also known as the 6 Handshakes rule.
In this case - between Brian Johnson of AC/DC and me - it's just two.

My most sincere congratulations to Stephen Ambrose of Asius Technologies for helping Brian to overcome his hearing loss!

I collaborated with Stephen on some new developments for the StereoPravda SPearphone project (which ones I can't tell yet as I' m under NDA).

Stephen's endorsement segment in this Brian Johnson's interview – the link is here - starts at 5:10. Read more…

10.12.2020 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1073

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