#1. To Be at the Right Time at the Right Place Being Prepared - That's Not All You Need to Succeed in Audio


#1. To Be at the Right Time at the Right Place Being Prepared - That's Not All You Need to Succeed in Audio

To succeed in audio is like to succeed in sports: the key is not only to be prepared, but also to be at the right time at the right place.
But that's not all you need.
My own chance, but fateful (not only in audiophile terms) encounters proved this time after time. Be it a chance meeting with David Manley in 1992 with no audio business opportunities on my radar yet, and who was the one who led me that way, or, say, bumping into Andy Singer close to midnight at a desolated street in Indianapolis with an enquiry about Apogee Grands, which led me to purchase the speakers from him a few months later.
Unlike in sports, in audio, the theoretical preparation phase for many seems to take an eternity.
Pumping Gigabytes of information plankton from one side of the forums to another, the enthusiasts are hoping to reach audio nirvana casually.
It'll never happen unless they will figure out that sitting for eternity on a bunch of eggs will never make them golden.
And that to switch the information feed from plankton to Gold Fishes you have to find a way to rise along the information food chain a few links above.
But it's only a necessary condition for constantly stumbling upon audio golden nuggets ...the sufficient one is, actually, not only to be at the right time at the right place being prepared.
The sufficient condition to succeed in audio, like in sports, includes a determination and an ability to act promptly.
As due to the quick changes within and without us, another opportunity to arrive at a good position during a precise moment, where we can properly aim, and, with all our abilities and resources fully concentrated, deliver "a winning strike", may never comes again...

09.12.2015 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  2010

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