BLOG #96. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #13


BLOG #96. StereoPravda Program with Misha Kucherenko #13

On Thursday, April the 1st, at 12 noon Moscow time, AVREPORTrussia YouTube channel broadcasted the next program by Misha Kucherenko called “StereoPravda”.

The program #13 featured Misha’s interview with Kim Ryrie, the founder of one of the most forward-thinking companies in the whole of High End Audio - DEQX.
It was in English, with a serial Russian translation of all the questions and answers.

This Australian company (this is why the unusual date and time slot for the live broadcast of the interview) manufactures some of the most advanced loudspeakers’ phase calibration and room correction DSP processors on the market.
It also relentlessly promotes active audio systems as potentially the most advanced spnically. .

The link to the program's recording is here:

31.03.2021 // Author:  (Bigmisha) // Number of views:  1043

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